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In November 1984, Soviet submarine captain Marko Ramius commands Red October, a new Typhoon-class nuclear missile submarine with a
stealth "caterpillar drive", rendering it undetectable to passive sonar. Ramius leaves port to conduct exercises with attack
submarine V. K. Konovalov, commanded by his former student Captain Tupolev. Once at sea, Ramius secretly kills political officer
Ivan Putin and relays false orders that they are to conduct missile drills off America's east coast. The next morning, CIA analyst
and former Marine, Jack Ryan, after consulting with Vice Admiral James Greer, briefs government officials on Red October and the
threat it poses. The U.S. fears Ramius plans an unauthorized nuclear strike. They also learn that the bulk of the Soviet Navy has
been deployed to the Atlantic to find and sink the renegade vessel. In the briefing, Ryan hypothesizes that Ramius instead plans
to defect. He is ordered to rendezvous with the American attack submarine USS Dallas to prove his theory. Meanwhile, Tupolev,
though unable to track Red October, guesses his former mentor's route and sets a course to intercept. The Soviet fleet's intentions
are unknown to the U.S., although their orders are to sink Red October.
Due to the actions of an unknown saboteur, Red October's caterpillar drive fails during risky maneuvers through a narrow undersea
canyon. Petty Officer Jones, a sonar technician aboard Dallas, has discovered a way to detect Red October using underwater acoustics,
and plots an intercept course. Ryan arranges a hazardous mid-ocean rendezvous to board Dallas, where he attempts to persuade its
captain, Commander Bart Mancuso, to contact Ramius and determine his intentions. The Soviet ambassador informs the U.S. government
that Ramius is a renegade, and asks for help in sinking Red October. That order is sent to the U.S. fleet, including Dallas, which
has found the Soviet submarine. Ryan, however, is convinced that Ramius plans to defect with his officers and convinces Mancuso to
contact Ramius and offer assistance. Ramius, stunned that the Americans correctly guessed his plan, accepts. He then stages a nuclear
reactor "emergency", ordering his crew to abandon ship. After a U.S. frigate is spotted, Ramius submerges. Meanwhile, Ryan, Mancuso,
and Jones come aboard via a rescue sub, at which point Ramius requests asylum for himself and his officers.
Red October is suddenly attacked by V. K. Konovalov, which has tracked them across the Atlantic. As the two Soviet subs maneuver,
one of Red October's cooks, Loginov, an undercover KGB agent and the secret saboteur, opens fire. He fatally wounds first officer
Vasily Borodin before retreating to the nuclear missile bay, pursued by Ryan and Ramius. Loginov shoots Ramius, wounding him, but
Ryan kills Loginov before he can detonate a missile. Meanwhile, Red October makes evasive maneuvers with a diversion provided by
Dallas, causing V. K. Konovalov to be destroyed by its own fired torpedo. The crew of Red October, now rescued, watch the explosion
from the deck of the U.S. frigate; unaware of the second Soviet submarine, they believe that Ramius has sacrificed himself and
scuttled Red October to avoid being boarded. Ryan and Ramius, their subterfuge complete, navigate Red October to the Penobscot
River in Maine. Ramius admits that the reason he defected was that after he was handed the plans for Red October, a nuclear war
first strike weapon, he concluded that he could never support such an action. From atop the submarine's sail deck, Ramius, pleased
to have made it to America, offers Ryan a quote from Christopher Columbus. Ryan nods in agreement and offers in return, "Welcome
to the New World, sir".
Starring ... |
Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones
Director: John McTiernan
Producer: Mace Neufeld
Released - March 2, 1990
Length - 134 minutes
Music Composer: Basil Poledouris
Movie Distributed by Paramount Pictures
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