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At Fort Bragg, North Carolina, cynical newspaper reporter George Beckworth (David Janssen) attends a Special Forces
briefing about the American military involvement in the war in Vietnam. The briefing includes a demonstration and
explanation of the whys and wherefores of participating in the Vietnam War. The civilians and journalists are told that
international Communism is what the U.S. is fighting in Vietnam. Proof: weapons and equipment, captured from North
Vietnamese soldiers and Viet Cong (VC) guerrillas, manufactured in the Soviet Union, Communist Czechoslovakia, and
Communist China. Despite this, Beckworth remains skeptical about the value of intervening in Vietnam's civil war.
When asked by Green Beret Colonel Mike Kirby if he had ever been to Southeast Asia, Beckworth replies that he had not.
Realizing his ignorance, Beckworth decides to go in-country to report on what he finds there. Colonel Kirby is posted to
South Vietnam with two handpicked A-Teams of Special Forces troopers. One A-Team is to replace a team at a base camp
nicknamed "Dodge City" working with South Vietnamese and Montagnard soldiers, while the other A-Team is to form a
counterguerrilla MIKE Force. While selecting his teams, Kirby intercepts a Spc. Petersen from another unit who is
appropriating supplies from Kirby's supply depot. Realizing Petersen's skills, Kirby promotes him and brings him onto
his SF team. The A team includes: Captain MacDaniel, a replacement for Captain Coleman; Lieutenants Sachs, and Moore,
a Savoy 8 team leader; Master Sergeant Muldoon the senior NCO; Sergeant First Class "Doc" McGee, the team's medical
sergeant; Sergeant First Class Kowalski, the team's communications specialist; Sergeant Provo the team's heavy weapons
specialist; Sergeant Watson, the team's mortarman; and Sergeant Parks, a man from the Southern United States.
Arriving in South Vietnam, they meet Beckworth, whom Kirby allows to accompany them to the fire-base camp. There, he witnesses
the humanitarian aspect (irrigation ditches, bandages, candy for children) of the Special Forces mission. Still, he remains
unconvinced of America's need to be in Vietnam. During this period, Petersen befriends a young native boy named Ham Chuck, a war
orphan who has no family other than his pet dog and the soldiers at the base camp. Also introduced is the Army of the Republic
of Vietnam (ARVN) base camp strike force leader, Captain Nim, who was a Vi?t Minh officer from Hanoi during the previous war
of liberation from the French colonists, and is now fighting for the anti-communist Republic of Vietnam / South Vietnamese
government. He is obsessed with having to "kill all the stinking Viet Cong" to win this war. He also claims that there is a
spy network within the camp and ARVN strike force. During Captain Coleman's final night at the camp, he spends some time in
the team house writing a letter announcing his return home. Coleman instructs the men to check their guard duty rosters before
they turn in to rest. He bids everyone good night and returns to his sleeping quarters. Not long afterwards, the camp is hit
with Viet Cong mortars. The mortar fire strikes the dispensary, communication bunker, and the team house before it suddenly
stops. Coleman is found dead by Sergeant Provo. After Coleman's death, MacDaniel informs Colonel Kirby of his demise.
Shortly after this attack, while supervising a group of United States Navy Seabees clearing part of the jungle around the base
camp and evacuating the civilians in preparation for a potential Viet Cong attack, Sergeant Muldoon notices an ARVN soldier
pacing out distances in the camp and knocks him out. When Captain Nim interrogates him, he discovers a silver Zippo lighter
in the ARVN soldier's possession. The lighter belonged to a Green Beret medical specialist, a friend of Kirby's, recently
murdered by the Viet Cong. After Beckworth sees Nim torture the Viet Cong suspect to get a confession from him, he confronts
Kirby about it. The Colonel justifies the interrogation by telling Beckworth about the cigarette lighter, and says the Viet
Cong are ruthless killers who deserve no legal protections of any sort in this new kind of war. A few days later, Beckworth
accompanies Kirby and his team on a patrol in the nearby mountains. Beckworth witnesses the aftermath of a Viet Cong terror
attack on a Montagnard village. The young granddaughter of the village chief he had befriended earlier, as well as the chief
and most of the male villagers, have been tortured and executed by the Viet Cong for cooperating with the Americans.
The next night, the Special Forces camp is subjected to a human wave attack by thousands of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese
troops. Kirby and Muldoon, flying back to Camp Dodge City after a briefing in Saigon concerning an upcoming mission, are
shot down by enemy fire, They form a defensive perimeter and secure a field to use as a landing zone (LZ) for a MIKE Force
flying in to aid the besieged camp.
Meanwhile, the ferocious attack upon the Special Forces camp continues relentlessly. Beckworth is forced to take a rifle
from a fallen ARVN sergeant and fight alongside the Green Berets. He also helps move the local villagers into the camp to
protect them from the enemy onslaught. As the battle rages, Ham Chuck's pet dog is killed and the young boy tearfully
buries his faithful companion. Symbolically, the boy uses the stick he had used to dig the dog's grave as the tombstone.
He is found by Sergeant Petersen, who takes him to safety with the other refugees. As ARVN soldiers rush to their defensive
positions, the stick is knocked away, leaving an unmarked grave. The perimeter is breached by enemy sappers who blow openings
in the barbed wire fences around the camp. The Green Berets and ARVN soldiers are forced to fall back to the inner perimeter.
Lieutenant Sachs, Sergeant Sooby, and many others are killed. Captain MacDaniel, Lieutenant Jamison, Sergeant Griffin, and
Parks are wounded, but not critically. Sergeant Provo is mortally wounded by double agents posing as South Vietnamese
soldiers. As his dying act, Captain Nim sets off hidden explosives which kill the double agents. Kirby and Muldoon arrive
with the Mike Force reinforcements, supported by a U.S. Air Force airstrike in which Douglas A-1 Skyraiders drop napalm on
the attacking enemy troops with little success. By dawn, with the enemy attack still continuing Colonel Kirby orders the
troops to fall back and withdraw from the camp, which is then taken by the enemy. At a nearby LZ, more U.S. Army helicopters
arrive to evacuate the refugees. Petersen puts Ham Chuck on one and promises to return for him in Da Nang.
With the base in enemy hands, Kirby orders an airstrike by "Puff the Magic Dragon" (a Douglas AC-47 Spooky armed with three
M61 Vulcan miniguns), which kills the occupying VC and NVA troops. With the enemy dead or fled, Kirby and his team re-occupy
the destroyed camp and fire-base. Afterwards, Kirby has a talk with Beckworth, during which the reporter admits that he probably
will be fired for filing a story supporting United States involvement in the war. He thanks Kirby for the experience and returns
to Da Nang with the Mike Force reinforcements. Provo, dying of his wounds, asks Kirby to make his memorial the Provo Privy. The
colonel sees to it when he returns to the main base near the capital of Saigon. Back at headquarters, Kirby meets with his superior,
Colonel Morgan, as well as Kirby's ARVN counterpart, Colonel Cai. He is told about a top secret mission they have been planning.
The goal is to kidnap a very important North Vietnamese field commander named General Pha Son Ti in North Vietnam. The capture
of General Ti is seen as a bargaining chip to end the war on South Vietnam's terms, as well as disrupting the leadership of the
Viet Cong. Colonel Cai uses his sister-in-law, a top Vietnamese/French fashion model named Lin, as a honey trap to lure General
Ti to a former French colonial mansion in a well-guarded valley in North Vietnam. Kirby, Muldoon, Peterson, and a handful of Green
Berets, Montagnards, and ARVN soldiers are selected for this secret mission by Cai, who will be accompanying them. They are
airlifted in a Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport plane and parachuted into the North Vietnamese jungle. Muldoon, medical
specialist Doc McGee, and two of Cai's men stay behind at a local bridge over a river to set explosives to blow it up to stop
pursuit by the NVA forces as the team exfiltrates with General Ti.
Kirby and the group arrive outside the guarded plantation where they witness the enemy general arrive at his plantation with
Lin. After all the sentries around the mansion are killed, they quietly enter, subdue the enemy general with Lin's help, and
hoist him outside, where they put him in the trunk of his French Citroën sedan car. Kirby, Cai, Petersen, Watson, and Lin drive
away, but the rest of the team is killed by North Vietnamese guards while attempting to escape. At dawn, the survivors cross the
bridge which McGee and Muldoon rigged with explosives. The bridge is destroyed, but Doc McGee is seriously wounded as he and
Muldoon escape. The survivors of the raid successfully airlift the captured General out of the area by a Skyhook device mounted
to a C-130 Hercules with specially trained pilots. While Kirby and the group advance through the jungle to the LZ where helicopters
will pick them up, Petersen is killed by an enemy booby-trap. Kirby and his team are forced to leave his body behind.
Back at Da Nang Air Force Base, Beckworth watches as Ham Chuck awaits the return of the helicopters. He realizes the toll
of war as Ham Chuck runs crying from helicopter to helicopter, searching for Petersen. Beckworth then falls in with a group
of U.S. soldiers who have just arrived by helicopters from another mission in-country. Kirby, in a touching moment, walks
over to the boy and tells him of Peterson's death. A teary-eyed Ham Chuck asks plaintively, "What will happen to me now?"
Kirby places Petersen's green beret on him and says, "You let me worry about that, Green Beret. You're what this thing's
all about." Holding hands, the two walk along the beach into the sunset as "Ballad of the Green Berets" plays.
Starring ... |
John Wayne, David Janssen, George Beckworth, Jim Hutton, Aldo Ray, George Takei
Directors: Ray Kellogg & John Wayne
Producer: Michael Wayne
Released - June 19, 1968
Length - 141 minutes
Music Composer: Miklós Rózsa
Movie Distributed by Warner Brothers
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