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The American Buckley-class destroyer escort USS Haynes detects and attacks a German U-boat that is on its way to rendezvous
with a German merchant raider in the South Atlantic Ocean. Lieutenant Commander Murrell, a former officer in the merchant marine
now an active duty officer in the Naval Reserve, has recently taken command of Haynes, even though he is still recovering from
injuries incurred in the sinking of his previous ship. Before the U-boat is first spotted, one sailor questions the new captain's
fitness and ability. However, as the battle begins, Murrell shows himself to be a match for wily U-boat Kapitän-Leutnant von
Stolberg, a man who is not enamored with the Nazi regime, in a prolonged and deadly battle of wits that tests both men and their
crews. Each man grows to respect his opponent. Murrell skillfully stalks the U-boat and subjects von Stolberg and his crew to hourly
depth charge attacks. In the end, von Stolberg takes advantage of Murrell's too-predictable pattern of attacks and succeeds in
torpedoing the destroyer escort. Although the Haynes is fatally wounded and sinking, it is still battle capable, and Murrell has
one last trick up his sleeve. He orders his men to set fires on the deck to make the ship look more damaged than it actually is.
Then he orders the majority of his crew to evacuate in the lifeboats, but retains a skeleton crew to man the bridge, engine room,
and one of his ship's three-inch guns. As Murrell had hoped, von Stolberg surfaces so that he can use the U-boat's deck gun to sink
the apparently crippled ship instead of using a torpedo.
Murrell orders his gun crew to fire first at the U-boat's stern to immobilize it, and then at the U-boat's deck gun. Murrell orders
his executive officer, Lieutenant Ware, to ram the U-boat. With his boat sinking, von Stolberg orders his crew to set scuttling
charges and abandon ship. Murrell, the last man aboard, is about to join his crew in the lifeboats when he spots von Stolberg trapped
on the conning tower of the U-boat with his injured executive officer, Oberleutnant zur See Heini Schwaffer. Murrell tosses a line
to the submarine and rescues the pair. It is clear that Schwaffer is dying, but von Stolberg refuses to leave his friend behind.
Ware returns with American and German sailors in the captain's gig to take the three men off before the U-boat's scuttling charges
detonate. Later, aboard another American ship, the German crew consigns Schwaffer's remains to the deep in a traditional ceremony,
as the American crew respectfully watches.
Starring ... |
Robert Mitchum, Curt Jürgens, Theodore Bikel, David Hedison
Director: Dick Powell
Producer: Dick Powell
Released - December 25, 1957
Length - 98 minutes
Music Composer: Leigh Harline
Movie Distributed by 20th Century Fox
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