Volume Six
1864: Valley of the Shadow of Death
For three years, Robert E. Lee has met, measured, and defeated a string of
Union generals. "Some day," he worries, "they may send me a general I do not
understand." Now, Lincoln elevates U.S. Grant to commander of all Union Armies
and brings him east to face the brilliant Lee. In a month-long series of battles
commencing in May - the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor - Grant's Army of
the Potomac loses an appalling 50,000 men. But Grant, heedless of the carnage,
drives his superior numbers forward toward Richmond until Lee halts him before
the barricades of Petersburg. Meanwhile, General Sherman is relentlessly making
his way to Atlanta. The Union advance is a masterpiece of flanking tactics, but
Sherman, too, is halted within sight of his goal. Time is running out for Lincoln.