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Lieutenant (O-3) of the United States Navy, Harry Brubaker (W. Holden) is a pilot who fought
during WW2, went back to his civilian job as an attorney, and is now further engaged in the
Korean War flying jet planes from carriers. The film starts with him returning from a mission
while his plane has to ditch into the cold sea. The rescue helicopter flown by the faithful
and eccentric Chief Mike Forney (Mickey Rooney), a man of Irish descent, saves him, with his
crewman Nestor Gamidge (Earl Holliman) actually jumping into the freezing water to hook Brubaker
to the rescue harness. The Admiral of the ship, Adm. George Tarrant, has lost his own son in WW2
and Brubaker’s manner and bearing brings back memories of his lost son. While talking to Brubaker
the Admiral finds the pilot is tired of the war and just wants to return to civilian life to be
with his family and the legal career he left behind. Nevertheless, they both agree that someone
has to fight the war in which their country is involved and the necessity of seeing this war
through to its conclusion.
The new mission is set and the target is the group of the bridges over
the Yalu river over which communist forces infiltrate into Korea. Commander Wayne Lee, the Commander
of the Air Group ("CAG") is a man dedicated to his men but Tarrant would rather see him more dedicated
to his mission. After an incident he decides not to promote Lee for this reason. Brubaker is told that
his wife Nancy and children arrived in Tokyo on an unexpected visit and he is given a 3 days leave to
see them. Their reunion is interrupted when Nestor shows up at their hotel asking Brubaker's help in
bailing Forney out of the guardhouse after a brawl with another sailor for whom his girlfriend had
left him. Nancy is more than ever anxious to see her husband back home but is terrified to discover
the signs of a man ready to crack from war fatigue. Nancy is deep into blue thoughts about been left
a widow and Tarrant will try to support her although he too remembers how his daughter-in-law had
almost turned insane after losing her husband, Tarrant's son.
Back to the carrier, Lee presents to his pilots the air photos taken from a low pass over Toko-Ri.
The flak is extremely dense and the pilots have to fly very low into the banks of the river while
receiving fire from all sides. Brubaker gets sick after this briefing and he thinks his days are
numbered. He is ready to write a letter to Nancy pre-announcing his death. Lee visits him into his
room and tries to boost the morale asking him to be left behind if he feels he cannot accomplish his
mission. Brubaker replies that he will do his duty. During the day of the attack Lee strikes with
two formations the second one led by Brubaker. The results from the first attack are considered
incomplete and he then orders the secondary one with Brubaker to attack. Brubaker's team dashes
low and bombs successfully the ammunition dump but his plane receives a small hit that creates a
fuel leak. Lee escorts closely Brubaker guiding him on the way back to the carrier but the fuel
lost will not allow Brubaker to overcome the last hill before the sea and he belly-lands on these
hills. The rescue helicopter and his faithful friends Mike and Nestor land close to pick him up but
Chinese ground troops arrive and machine gun the helicopter, killing Nestor. Both Mike and Brubaker
try to hide in a small nearby ditch to defend themselves with carbines but are outnumbered and are
both killed. Surprisingly enough, Brubaker's hair remains perfectly styled the entire time. Admiral
Tarrant is shattered by the news and asks Lee for explanations. He replies that what counts is the
success of the mission and not the men who were killed. Tarrant full of sorrow has to accept that
Lee has ‘matured’, accepts his promotion finally and the film ends with Tarrant alone wondering
where Brubaker and all the others dead or alive could have found the guts to do what is asked from
them in such a war.
Starring ... |
William Holden, Grace Kelly, Frederic March, Mickey Rooney
Director: Mark Robson
Producers: William Perlberg & George Seaton
Released - December 1953
Length - 102 minutes
Music Composer: Lyn Murray
Movie Distributed by Paramount Pictures
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