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An American oil tanker, the SS Northern Star, captained by Capt. Steve Jarvis, is sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean by a German U-boat. Along with the First Officer, his friend Joe Rossi, they make it to a lifeboat loaded with other crewmen. When the U-Boat crew starts filming their plight, they respond with rude gestures, and their lifeboat is rammed by the sub. The survivors swim to a raft and are finally rescued after 11 days adrift. During their brief liberty, Steve spends time with his wife Sarah, while Joe meets and marries singer Pearl O'Neill. At the union hall, merchant seamen, including the Northern Star survivors, spend their time waiting to be assigned to a new ship. Over a round of poker, Johnnie Pulaski jokes about getting a shore job. When pressed by other seaman, Pulaski reveals his fear of dying at sea. The others shame him into signing along with them on another ship. Another sailor, Alfred "Boats" O'Hara, is tracked down by his wife, who has apparently not seen him since he was rescued. She angrily serves him with a divorce summons. O'Hara, knowing he is headed back to sea, gleefully tears it up, saying "Them 'Liberty boats' are sure well named". Then it is back to sea aboard one of the new Liberty ships, SS Seawitch, on a convoy carrying vital war supplies to the Soviet port of Murmansk. This transport ship is armed with a 5-inch gun and anti-aircraft guns, and a Navy Armed Guard force joins Seawitch to operate them. They also instruct some of the crew in ground-to-air gunnery, to replace them in case they ever become casualties.

In Halifax the captains are instructed on how to sail in the convoy. En route, Convoy 211 is attacked by a wolfpack, a group of German U-Boats that coordinate their attacks on Allied convoys. There are losses on both sides, and the convoy commander is forced to order his ships to temporarily scatter, to re-form at a preset rendezvous point. A persistent U-Boat chasing Seawitch means she must stay away from the convoy when it re-forms. The Nazi sub cannot get close by daylight because of the ship's 5-inch guns, and during the night Seawitch eludes the U-boat by shutting down her power plant to prevent detection by Nazi sonar. Nearing land, the sub contacts the Luftwaffe, and the next day a pair of Heinkel He 59 seaplanes find Seawitch and attack with machine guns and bombs. Both aircraft are shot down, with one crashing into the Liberty ship's bow. Several seamen are killed and Captain Jarvis is wounded; Joe Rossi takes command. Then the U-Boat returns and torpedoes Seawitch. Rossi orders the crew to set deck fires and make smoke from the stack so it appears as if they are sinking. When the submarine surfaces to finish the job, Seawitch sails through its smoke screen and rams the U-Boat, sinking it. As they get nearer to shore, a flight of Russian fighter aircraft appears and escorts Seawitch, with its valuable cargo intact, into Murmansk to a warm Russian welcome.

Starring ... Humphrey Bogart, Raymond Massey, Ruth Gordon, Alan Hale, Julie Bishop

Director: Lloyd Bacon

Producer: Jerry Wald

Released - May 21, 1943

Length - 126 minutes

Music Composer: Adolph Deutsch

Movie Distributed by Warner Brothers Pictures

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